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作品:『旅するイカリ』 山村幸則(2017年)

Interview of Artisan #1, 2021
 with Yukinori Yamamura


美術家の山村幸則氏は神戸生まれ、国内外で、土地の歴史や文化、人々との出会い、交流の中から作品を生み出し、さまざまな素材と表現方法を用い作品を具現化してきました。 これまでの活動とコロナ禍の状況、今後の展開と制作について、蒼庫への希望を御話頂きました。


We interviewed an artist who is associated with Soko online. Mr. Yamamura is from Kobe, and he creates his works by meeting people and communication, and history and culture domestically and internationally. He has embodied his works by various ways of expression and materials. He was kind enough to tell us about his works so far, the activities during the Covid-19 pandemic, the further approach to his work, and the request for Soko. 





Let us know about your activities and work?

​I have participated the program of artist in and out of Japan. While I am based in Kobe with working, I have taken part in C.A.P.(art and meeting), and I held a lot of exhibitions, workshops, and projects within the country. I am doing site-specific and many experimentations with various ways and media such as starting with ceramic art, three-dimensional art, sculpture, installation, performance, picture, image, and monument.





The activities during the Covid-19 pandemic

​​I made a contribution to the video streaming business (Hyogo Arts and Culture Association) by re-editing an old video clipping. Although the exhibition scheduled is postponed, I currently proceed with production in preparation for opening it. Following the current situation, I want it to carry over into my expression.


国内にてアーティスト・イン・レジデンスプログラム(滞在制作)を計画中です。日常の生活と制作の場、身の回りの環境を変化させることで新たな発見や心動かされる出来事に出逢うはずです。 ジャンルの異なる作家との交流、展覧会やコラボレーションを通し、新たな可能性を探りたいと思います。 2021年3月には原点回帰となる陶芸を素材にした作品を発表予定で、原点に戻ることで、また新たなる挑戦、実験的な表現を深めてゆきたいです。​


Let us know about the further activities and approach?

​​​I am planning the artist in residence program in Japan. I think you are supposed to encounter new findings or some occurrences of being impressed by environmental changes like dairy life and workspace. I hope to explore new possibilities through an exhibition, collaboration, and communication with different genres of artists. I will announce a new art made by ceramic which can return to the basics in March 2021, and I think it is a new challenge in a sense by going back to start, then I want to deepen experimental expression.


2017年、蒼庫にて、港都KOBE芸術祭 出品作品『旅するイカリ』の制作をさせて頂きました。100年前の絵葉書から着想を得た作品『旅するイカリ』は、長田の町の職人さんと神戸アートクルー(市民ボランティアチーム)の方々などの様々な人の手が加わり、制作中にはテレビ局の収録が行われたり、出発に先立ち、蒼庫に祭壇を設け、神主さんに交通安全祈願をして頂いたことも、特別な思い出です。やがて、『旅するイカリ』は蒼庫から外の世界へと・・・神戸市内全9区200kmを超える旅しました。




Let us know about your practice in Soko?

In 2017, I worked at Soko for the art called “The Travelling Anchor” exhibited at Kobe Art Fes. “The Travelling Anchor” inspired by a postcard from 100 years ago is made some touches by various people like artisan in Nagata and Kobe art crews (citizen volunteers), and a TV show recording and a prayer for safety with an alter in Soko are special memories for me. Then, “The Travelling Anchor” traveled the outside world from Soko, to 9 wards of Kobe city extending over approximately 200 km. 




How do you want to use Soko in the feture?
I will deepen my relationship with the city and people as one of the citizens, and make the most of my expression. I will expand an idea that can make use of the characteristics of a glass studio in expression by experiencing the history of Kobe and Nagata.





What is Kobe city like?

I have an image of the Kobe being the city with a breeze surrounded by mountains and the sea. The black market after war, the rapid economic growth, and the great Hanshin-Awaji earthquake. Like the window blow over the ages, there are unique appeals and creative people 9 wards of Kobe city respectively. Utilizing its various aspects, if the opportunities of an engagement or collaboration between people who are involved in art and researchers, engineers, and experts in different fields increase more, I get the impression that the future of Kobe as a creative city of possibility will widen. 



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Ramune Factory ©︎ 2021

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